If you’re interested in a half-day or full day workshop for your managers or your staff, these are the topics we teach. We also teach these courses as part of our customized leadership development programs but they are adapted specifically for your organization.
Reducing Your Stress and Increasing Your Productivity
In this highly interactive and engaging workshop, participants will identify their unique stressors and learn specific strategies they can use to reduce and manage their stress. Participants will learn brain-based productivity hacks and understand how to work with the hardwiring of their brains to be more relaxed and more productive with less effort and stress.
Strengthening Your Working Relationships
In this course, participants will learn practical research-based strategies that will help them build positive relationships at work, tools to develop their emotional intelligence and strategies to deal with difficult people and manage their emotions in stressful situations. Participants will learn the foundational elements of building trust and the positive impacts of developing strong working relationships related to career development, performance reviews, stress management and productivity.
Our Employee Engagement Workshop is very interactive and applicable to the real world. We work with Gallup's 12 employee engagement questions (or your organization's employee engagement questions) to identify practical steps that managers can take to ensure that their employees answer 'yes' to the 12 Gallup questions. We identify key contributors and detractors of employee engagement. A strong message from this workshop is that the manager has the biggest impact on employee engagement. Participants will leave the workshop with an action plan to support them in implementing their employee engagement strategies.
This workshop is focused on generating insight and taking action to create and sustain behavioural change. If you would like to deepen your self-awareness and understanding, this workshop is for you. Participants will engage in reflection on their behaviours, actions and impacts and identify root causes of their behaviours. This level of understanding supports participants to make lasting, positive change in the ways they interact with others. If you would like to improve your interpersonal relationships, at work or at home, this workshop will help you identify triggers and patterns and develop healthy responses and give you tools to build strong, healthy relationships.
Strengthening Your Communication
In this workshop, participants will learn more about their communication style and how to adapt it to work with the various needs of their staff, colleagues and managers. Participants will identify their own unique communication challenges and learn strategies for listening effectively, delivering difficult feedback, receiving and responding to feedback, having difficult conversations and building trust through effective communication.
Organizational change can be unexpected, unwanted and challenging. In this course, participants will learn key strategies to help them successfully lead and implement change. Working with the models of William Bridges and David Rock, participants will identify specific approaches they can use to lead change and engage their employees in the change process.
Effective managers build skilled and committed teams. Participants in this workshop will learn the phases of team development and key strategies to move teams through each phase. We will work with The Five Dysfunctions of a Team to identify challenges in their teams and how to address them. Participants will learn the research about the behaviour and qualities of high-performing teams and identify specific, practical strategies they can implement in their own teams.
When your staff come to you with a challenge, it's tempting to tell them how you'd fix it. We've all been there and we've all done it but if you can shift to a coach approach, you'll have highly engaged employees who are growing and developing their skills. Learn proven strategies to help you coach and develop your employees. Participants will come away with a plan specific to how they can coach each of their employees as well as general strategies for providing feedback and developing their employees. This course comes with the book Show Up Like a Coach by Jennifer Gerves-Keen.
This course focuses on core management skills: Effective Communication, Giving Effective Feedback, Building Strong Teams, Being a Coaching Manager, Leading change, Performance Managing as well as a focus on specifics of the municipal environment: Managing in a Unionized Environment, Relationship to Council, Priorities based on Council Direction, Public Service.
Supervising from within the union is one of the most challenging roles there is, it can also be incredibly rewarding if people are given the training and support required to succeed in this role. This course focuses on strategies to support supervisors to be very clear about their roles and responsibilities as included supervisors. Course topics focus on how to hold employees accountable, build strong relationships, communicate well, effectively supervise brothers and sisters in the union and manage relationships with excluded managers. We will discuss grievances, the collective agreement and the role of the supervisor and manager in discipline and performance management.
Email stephanie@managetoengage.com or call 250-588-6364.

"A thought-provoking and optimistic set of tactics for stress elimination." - Kirkus Reviews