STEPHANIE BERRYMAN - Consultant. Coach. Author.
Stephanie Berryman established her leadership, engagement and coaching consulting business, Manage to Engage, more than a decade ago.
Since then, she has delivered customized leadership development training to improve the engagement and leadership of more than 30 organizations (both at the department and enterprise level), including municipalities, universities, and crown corporations.
A teacher at heart, Stephanie has a Degree in Education and a Master's Degree in Leadership, and she is a certified brain-based coach with the NeuroLeadership Institute. She teaches part-time with the UVic School of Management, Business and Technology. Stephanie has written three Amazon best-sellers including her most recent book Working Well: 12 Strategies To Manage Your Stress and Increase Your Productivity.
Current and past clients include:
Blake and Cassels Law Firm
BOSA Construction
Canadian Mental Health Association – Vancouver-Fraser Branch
Capital Regional District
City of Coquitlam
City of Delta
City of North Vancouver
City of Port Coquitlam
City of Port Moody
City of Richmond
City of Vancouver
Community Living BC
Cowichan Valley Regional District
Kwantlen College
North Vancouver Recreation and Culture Commission
Optiom Inc.
UBC Facilities
UBC Faculty of Dentistry
UBC Food Services
Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services
Vancouver Fraser Port Authority
Conference Presentations on Leadership Development/Life-Work Balance:
Royal Roads University Leadership Conference
Public Works Association of BC Conference
Hospital Employees Union Conference
Douglas College Staff Conference
"A thought-provoking and optimistic set of tactics for stress elimination." - Kirkus Reviews