Working Well Packages

Working Well, Living Well Online Course

Working Well cover

Do you want to learn strategies and create habits that will help you reduce your stress for the rest of your life?

Our Working Well, Living Well online program is a game-changer.

Here's what you'll learn:

Week one:

  • How to take control of your emotional and mental state (so you can find happiness in any situation)
  • Strategies to make sure that your lifestyle change lasts
  • Tools to create positive habits (and replace negative ones) so you can totally transform your life

Week two:

  • Five Personal Responsibility Questions that will give you power in every situation - you'll never feel helpless again
  • Tools to address challenges in your relationships
  • A model for providing feedback
  • Strategies to make difficult conversations easy

Week three:

  • Tools to break through the thoughts and behaviours that have kept you stuck in stress
  • Strategies to action your new beliefs and behaviours to keep you energized and empowered
  • The magic of mindfulness

Week four:

  • The three productivity hacks that will triple your productivity this week
  • How to set the right priorities
  • Strategies to ensure you meet every goal you set

Working Well, Living Well Online Course
Group Coaching Program

Most popular!

Working Well cover

This 6-week program includes:

  • 4-week Working Well, Living Well course
  • Worksheets and resources
  • 2 individual coaching calls
  • 6 weekly group coaching calls
  • specific solutions to personal challenges
  • accountability to achieving results
  • strategies to build healthy habits of Working Well and Living Well

Participants are paired up with accountability partners and provided with additional support and strategies to ensure they succeed.

Also included: access to the Working Well Private Facebook Group.

Stephanie runs group coaching programs 2-3 times a year. Click below to be notified when the next program starts.

Spaces Available: 8 per session

Working Well, Living Well Online Course
Personal Coaching Program

Working Well cover
Personal Coaching Programs will include:

  • 4-week Working Well, Living Well course
  • Worksheets and resources
  • 6 weekly personal coaching calls
  • specific solutions to personal challenges
  • accountability to achieving results
  • strategies to build healthy habits of Working Well and Living Well


Also included: access to the Working Well Private Facebook Group.

Spaces Available: 4

Workplace Working Well, Living Well Program:

Contact to discuss having her facilitate a Working Well, Living Well Group Online Program for your workplace.

Sign-up for any of these packages today to get these bonuses:

Bonus #1:

Working Well eBook in PDF Format

Working Well book cover

Normally $9.99.

Bonus #2:

Dealing with the Difficult Stuff eBook in PDF Format

Dealing with the Difficult Stuff by Stephanie Berryman

Normally $3.97.

Bonus #3:

Nine Strategies for Dealing with Stress eBook in PDF Format

Nine Strategies for Dealing with Stress

Normally $3.97.

Bonus #4:

Having Accountability Conversations Online Course

Normally $47.

Bonus #5:

Strengthening Your Communication Online Course

Communicating Effectively

Normally $97.

Bonus #6:

Supercharge Yoga
Online Course

Hillary in yoga pose

Normally $37.

Our Guarantee

30-Day GuaranteeTry Working Well… RISK-FREE!

What happens if the course just doesn't work for you?

If you don't see a significant decrease in your stress and increase in your productivity after using the strategies you learn in the course and putting in an honest effort to make changes, then we don't deserve your money. Simply email us within 60 days, show you did the work, and we'll send you a full refund.

My goal is to make sure you manage your stress so you can live a really good life, no matter what challenges you may be experiencing. If you use the strategies I've taught you and you're still as stressed as before the course, then I haven't done my job.

Praise for Working Well, Living Well Programs

The Working Well, Living Well course truly helped me to think more positively amidst of the pandemic going around in the world right now. While I am in self-isolation and remotely working at home, this course (and the compelling book as well) is very powerful in which it teaches you to be mindful and grateful with yourself and the people around you. In addition, this engages me to build stronger positive relationships with my coworkers and therefore increases my work productivity every day.

Katrine Veray

I so appreciated the short videos that could be watched anywhere. Your messages, tips, strategies and examples have personally helped me become a more effective, compassionate, connected leader.

In times of intense stress, I can now reach into my toolbox and use a few strategies that pull me through. Thank you for helping me focus on these. Before I would feel overwhelmed and things that were easy to learn seemed unachievable to me, now I am able to breathe and focus and put things in perspective.

Thank you again for bringing your book to life and providing this online course! It is perfectly positioned at a time like this to provide so many with tools to really make a difference. I appreciate the energy, effort and focus you took to do this.

Janice Weigel
Senior Director, Strategic and Operational Performance, UBC

After our coaching call, I had the most enlightening and productive and encouraging night. You pushed me just out of my comfort zone and into that creative space, thank you so much! I appreciate your time, your advice, and the high quality videos with excellent content in this program.

Jessica Taylor

You have NO IDEA how GRATEFUL I am for this program!! So Timely! This course is AWESOME ...And...I absolutely Love the way You present it!!
This is Fantastic!! You’ve kept me fully engaged since I hit ‘start'.

Marg Trollope
Century 21